ENHANCED WAKE BOATING- In-depth resources
Wake surfing environmental and safety key studies and surveys.
This section includes (click here):
Ballast systems & AIS Spread
Surveys & Safety: what lake recreators are saying.
Wave Power & Energy
Lake Bottom Damage & Sediment Spread
Literature review of wake surf impact
Wisconsin State and Local Enhanced Wake Boating Regulations Efforts
This section includes: (click here)
Wisconsin State Statute: Local Regulations of Boating
DNR Guidelines for Creating Local Boating Ordinances
Model Ordinance Template
Wisconsin Towns with local Ordinances
Additional Resources
Relevant Wisconsin Statutes
Presentations on enhanced wake boating
This section includes (click here):
To be added
Videos regarding wake surfing environmental and safety issues
This section includes (click here)
Are wake boats causing bottom craters on Wisconsin Lakes?
Wake surfing - A Threat to Our Lakes
Ballast Tank Decontamination
Utah DWR Decontamination Using Dip Tank
200 Feet is Not Responsible
Lake Raponda/Wake Boat Issues
Multiple Wake Boat Problem
Enhanced Wake Boating Regulations Around the Country
This section includes information on : (click here)
Vermont, Maine, Michigan, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Montana, Minnesota, Indiana, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Montana, Colorado, Oregon, and more!
Debunking wake sports industry misinformation
This section includes (click here)
How do various wake surfing studies compare?
200 feet is not responsible
Four critiques of recent study sponsored by national marine manufactures association
Boat wake impact analysis
Considerations in assessing shoreline and near shore impacts of wind-driven waves vs motorboat waves in Vermont