Our mission is to advocate for the protection of our natural resources to support the
long term viability of Wisconsin’s Northwoods and beyond. We are committed to sound environmental
practices and the principles of democratic decision making. The Last Wilderness Alliance is a 501c4.

Our History:

Last Wilderness Alliance (LWA) was founded in 2021, initially focused on protecting natural resources in Vilas County. Within a year, residents, lake groups and towns across the state began reaching out to Last Wilderness Alliance for support in helping them protect their lakes from the damage of wake surfing.

Since then, Last Wilderness Alliance has conducted numerous education presentations, workshops and seminars on the damaging impacts of enhanced wakes and helped approximately two dozen towns enact local ordinances. As of February 2025, 37 Wisconsin towns have enacted ordinances protecting about 250 lakes.

Within Presque Isle and a few adjoining municipalities, LWA also has a history of advocating for ATV regulation within these towns to ensure the will of residents - not the power of a few - are the focus of local government. For an update on there efforts, please contact us.

Board of Directors

Bob Berdan
Mary Jung
Steve Kessler
Jeff Meessmann
Ann Milne
Tom Olson
Richard Phillips
Tom Preston
John Richter
Fred Silloway